Yet few businesses have figured out how to generate revenue to their bottom line using it. Even the biggest brands on earth struggle to turn Facebook traffic into actual sales.
Which is why most business owners hate social media marketing. They just can’t seem to make it attract new paying customers.
Today I am going to show you a super simple, extremely effective and absolutely affordable strategy that turns simple Facebook posts into dollars in your bank account.
You are about to discover how to create free posts, or run Facebook ads at a fraction of what most everyone else is paying, that get response and turn strangers into paying customers..
However, most of those 2 billion people are not your ideal customers.
That’s why we start by helping you determine who your perfect customers are. Who are the people who most need what you have?
So, let’s start by focusing on the right people. That way you can always aim for the bullseye and not waste marketing dollars on people you shouldn’t be targeting in the first place.
You are about to discover how to replicate your best customers and zero in all of your time, energy, focus and marketing to ONLY the people most likely to buy from you.
It is unlikely you have ever seen anything that does this as effectively and simply as this strategy does.
This one secret that I’m about to share with you could leave your competition in the dust.
Get Thousands Of Real,
Cost-Effective Likes.
The first step to attracting a horde of hungry customers now is…
Before we can turn raving fans into actual customers, we need to create those fans or “Likes,” on your Facebook Page.
Here’s how we do that…
We use my number one customer attraction technique the "Global Ad Secret" to get high quality, affordable, targeted likes.
In a minute, I will show you how to turn those into customers who are happy to give you their money.
First things first though…
Let’s look at how I took a page from zero likes to be the most liked page in the entire world in that niche. And how I then did it again in another niche, making millions in sales with no end in sight.
How on another I spent just 3 cents per like to build a page that now earns me earns around $40,000.00 in reoccurring revenue every month practically on autopilot.
And the best part about it is that it is easy once you know how to
do it.
Social proof is important in all advertising and is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to effective Facebook advertising.
Think about it…
If you saw two pages for the same basic product or service and one had 400 likes and the other 400,000 likes, which one would you automatically think was the best? People like to follow the crowd – So let’s get the crowd to follow YOU by “Liking” your Page!
So, our first goal is to get as much affordable social proof as possible.
If you are just starting out, have no list, no customers and don’t even have a Facebook page for your business yet, I will walk you through everything step by step on how to build it all for zero or very little cost. So pay close attention.
If you already have an established list and want to learn how to grow it by leaps and bounds, we are going to show you exactly how to do that using custom audiences to laser target the most lucrative customers to grow your business exponentially.
And wait until you see how the Global Ad Secret shows you how to find photos that will go viral quickly and where to find these photos for free.
What you will find most shocking is how the pictures that often have the least to do with your business are the ones that will get you the most likes and shares. Why does this work? Because humans are hard wired to share a particular kind of content.
Content that represents the way we WANT to be perceived by others. Few people get this right, which is why even huge fortune 500 companies struggle to get social advertising to ever produce any sales or profits.
That’s because Facebook ads are not logic based. They are 100% emotion based. Inside You’ll discover the simple steps and get specific instructions on how to do this exactly right every time. (Hint: it’s actually extremely simple!)
A person can easily see 1000 ads or more in one hour on Facebook, and these 3 simple rules make sure yours is the one that stands out.
You are about to learn how to easily avoid the most common mistake that almost all entrepreneurs make when trying to create cost-effective ads on Facebook. Most businesses make this blunder and pay way too much for their ads and that’s a shame because it is so easily avoidable.
Cost-Effective Social Proof:
How to test at zero or almost zero cost so you know which ads are getting you the most bang for your buck…
You will learn the simple strategy for testing that ended up getting us 66,714 new, real Likes in one week at a cost of just one cent per like.
Discover which FB ads cost the most per like and which one will get you likes at a fraction of that cost. This goes against what everyone thinks and will really surprise you!
Why where you think most of your customers are coming from may be all wrong (and costing you a fortune!) and how to find the ones who want what you sell at a fraction of the cost.
Watch over my shoulder as I walk you through every step involved in making super-affordable Facebook ads that are laser targeted to your business.
Discover how to use a simple, free and powerful Facebook "hack" called the "Stack™" to become a customer magnet and attract all the Facebook Likes, leads, and customers your business can handle. This is the secret behind how I got over 2 million likes fast and at pennies on the dollar compared to what most marketers spend to get a fraction of the likes.
Discover the simplest and fastest way to grow your Facebook page using 100% organic growth in just 5 minutes per day.
How to guarantee your photos get shared virally.
The $5-per-day trick to make your Facebook page explode with new ravenous fans eager to share your content.
The 3-step Viral Post FormulaTM that can 10x your results WITHOUT spending even one additional penny on advertising.
How adding a certain symbol to your posts can make all the difference.
The one simple and ridiculously obvious thing that 99% of entrepreneurs get wrong when they post on their business page.
The powerful secret that got 3193 likes and 261 shares in just 4 minutes. Why isn’t everyone doing this?
Learn the emotional integral effect that got a single photo over 1 million likes.
The one simple thing that made the difference between 14 likes and 0 shares vs. 4485 likes and 476 shares. This is super ninja yet super easy to do.
The most single important element to make your ads become “Super Viral.” This can one thing can easily 100x the results you have been getting.
The two-minute trick that will get your content found and seen by thousands of people who otherwise would have never seen it.
The copy secret that takes seconds to do that made the difference between getting 27 likes and getting 1798 likes.
How one line of copy, that was copied off the internet and pasted to a photo, gave us a 320% boost in results.
Use the completely organic method that one of our clients used to go from 14,000 likes to 24,000 likes in a couple of months without spending a penny on advertising.
Another simple trick that got 18,000 new Facebook likes in under two months.
And yet another that got 22,000 new likes and 500 new email opt-ins practically overnight.
Another secret one client used to double traffic and sales which got 32,000 new likes and $5,000.00 per month in new sales in the chocolate niche (yes, chocolate).
How Jon Benson recently used one of my simple techniques to get $24,000.00 in additional sales he would not have otherwise gotten.
This probably won’t surprise you…
And the growth of Facebook seems to have no end in sight. The 2 billion users Facebook has today is set to triple in just the next 3 years alone.
Facebook is outpacing Google as the number-one source of referral traffic.
Amazon’s traffic from Facebook rose 321% last year.
As more and more people share what they “like,” discovery is becoming the new search.
A recent study shows consumers are 68% more likely to buy a product recommended by a Facebook friend.
And Facebook fans are “Super Customers,” spending 135% to 150% more than non-fans.
The bottom line is that Facebook is the largest word-of-mouth marketing platform in the world.
I show you how to get up to 100x more people to see your posts with something called Newsfeed Optimization. This critical step is super easy and effective.
How to get testimonials and post-purchase sales recommendations from happy customers that will drive sales from people who aren’t even your fans or on your mailing list.
You will discover the Facebook millionaire mindset. The value and importance of this information alone is worth 10 times the cost of this entire course.
There are just 9 simple steps and they are easy as a paint by numbers. Yet they can equal 90% of your success.
Just one part of this equation was instrumental in Apple becoming one of the largest companies in history and is so simple and obvious once you “get it.”
The 3 easy-to-answer questions that can propel you to overnight success. You will be surprised and elated once you answer these simple 3 questions that no one has ever asked you before.
Are you direct marketing or branding on Facebook? They both have their place but there is a massive difference and most marketers blur the lines and get this completely wrong. I show you how to quickly zero in on the type of marketing that is right for your business.
Without this you could spend eternity in “Tiny Page Syndrome.” Let’s face it, in marketing size does matter.
This alone was the difference between a competitor’s page that had 14,597 likes and my page that had 300,000 likes practically overnight.
Another example where this one insight immediately grew a page to 938,000 likes. Without this secret, it never would have happened.
How to avoid the biggest mistake most everyone makes when naming their page.
The one-two punch in naming your page that will make it soar above your competition. Hint, Progressive Insurance used this to get 5.3 million likes compared to Geico’s 325,000 likes.
The 3 social media marketing mistakes you absolutely must avoid so your prospects don’t completely ignore you and go in search of your competition.
How to discover your customers’ magic bullet so that they know you can best help them achieve their desired outcome.
The Category Secret. Maybe the single most important consideration when naming your page. This optimization trick gives you massive leverage and could easily get you anywhere from 10x to 100x the likes you would otherwise get.
You will discover the 3 questions about your prospective customers that will help you target exactly the right people on Facebook. While this is important in all your marketing, it is crucial with social media marketing. Getting this wrong can cost you a fortune.
You’ll learn about the big aha moment that we discovered for one client that sent sales through the roof. It was obvious as can be, yet no one had seen it.
The few things you must know about your customers, both in how they think and how they talk. This knowledge will make your marketing efforts far easier and is money in the bank.
The important and almost always overlooked questions you should be asking your customers and prospects before your next seminar, webinar or product launch that will have them lining up to happily give you their credit card. They will tell you exactly what it is they want to buy if you just ask these few simple questions.
I will give you a customizable avatar spreadsheet that will help you know your potential customers better than they know themselves, making it fast and easy to give your prospects exactly what they want.
I will tell you the one question that will reach potential customers at their core and have them clamoring to have what you sell. This tool is like having marketing superpowers.
Next I walk you through how to create your Fan Page Magnet Blueprint…
This is a step-by-step blueprint to take your prospects from your Facebook page to your website and then through a simple funnel that turns them into paying customers. Nothing complicated here, but it works like crazy.
Then I show you how to create an optimal customer flow experience that results in additional sales, happy customers and upsells, allowing you to make more money from every customer with little extra effort.
I show you how to tie your website and your email sequences together in a way that makes your customers’ experience better and makes it easy to buy from you while making your life a whole lot easier.
By creating a simple 3-step sales funnel that took one of my pages from a 1% conversion rate to an 11% conversion rate. Simple just works better and is far easier to do.
A lot of people think effective sales funnels are complicated and hard to create. I disagree, and once you watch over my shoulder as I create one, you will see just how easy it can be.
The most important step is to give your most valuable content away first, and FREE. See what I just did? I gave you one of my most valuable tips BEFORE you bought ANYTHING from me. I also did that on the webinar I shared with you before you even got to this information.
Don’t underestimate the power of that one thing. It can make you a fortune.
To further prove the importance of this, I will show you how two of the world’s biggest life insurance companies use this difference.
The one that adds lots of pre-sale value has 554,000 likes and the other just 2911 likes. And let’s face it, who likes life insurance companies?
That’s the power of adding value. One of my clients created 108,450 new likes just by doing this one thing. Another saw 102,924 new likes in nothing flat. Another 983,548 likes and 202,580 people talking about this, and it’s about juicing vegetables! This is powerful mojo and I walk you through every step.
One simple test I ran showed a difference of 55 likes vs. 2375 likes. No one could have ever guessed the one thing that made all the difference. But once I share it with you it will make complete sense.
Page likes, shares and eventually paying customers are a result of your potential customers’ perceived value of your page. I’ll show you how to create content they will love.
Next you will learn how to best use all this social proof to create extreme viral growth.
This is where your page goes from a snowball rolling down the mountain to an avalanche of new potential customers.
The larger your page gets, the larger your reach and ability to influence gets. That equals more traffic, sales and bigger profits.
As I said before, people like to follow the crowd. The bigger the crowd, the more people want to jump in line to buy your product or service. Because the crowd is perceived as being correct or having knowledge.
This goes back to our early days as social beings.
The herd mentality.
The herd was likely to find food, water and the other things essential to our survival. This is engrained in the deepest recesses of our Lizard Brains. It is hard wired in to every human on the planet to look at social proof as a survival mechanism.
Which is why social proof is a real psychological phenomenon that causes people to converge quickly on a single choice. Which is why I show you how to create a mountain of it and get the masses to jump in line to follow you.
Because if you have a huge following on your Facebook page, people automatically think you must be the best choice.
In the 1950s a professor by the name of Simon Asch conducted an experiment.
He showed two lines, one of which was far longer than the other. He had the control group state that one of the lines was by far the longest even though it was actually the shortest. Then the test subjects were asked which line was the shortest. Even though the answer was obvious, the subjects were 10 times more likely to agree with the crowd and state that the longest line was actually the shortest. We like to follow the herd. It’s in our DNA.
Which is the raw power of social media when done correctly.
The more likes, comments, shares and tags your content gets, the more social proof you have.
The more social proof you have, the more it spreads virally and the more sales you make.
The content that spreads the fastest, and most virally, is actual the easiest to create, and I walk you through every step of the process. Once you know the secret it will take you less time each day than it takes to drink a cup of coffee.
Let’s face it, though. Fans don’t buy from you. Customers do.
It’s no secret that content is not only king, but it is also what turns prospects into cash in your pocket faster than anything. People want proof that you know what you are talking about BEFORE they give you their money.
The fastest way to turn browsers into buyers is to give them valuable information that helps them solve their problem for free.
The first and most important step in online marketing is to capture a person’s email address.
Because without it, your opportunity to further market to that person is gone forever.
The reason you give them to opt in and give you their name and email address must be something of enough value to risk giving you this rather personal information. Let’s face it. They don’t know you at this point.
You will also learn a stealth secret that no one is doing that gets you email addresses without your prospect thinking twice about giving it to you. This is not your typical op-tin and they will gladly give you their information without expecting ANYTHING in return. This is like having magic powers.
You don’t want everyone.
You only want people who are most likely to become a customer. That’s why I show you the secret we use to filter out the uninterested masses and focus instead on the red-hot buyers. This slashes wasted time, effort and money out of your marketing efforts like nothing else.
Think of it as a filter. You start with everyone and then only spend your time, money and energy on those who are most likely to buy.
You’ll learn the secret I used to get 140,000 likes on an article on our blog without ever writing a single word.
You’ll also learn the HUGE mistake almost everyone makes with widgets that makes social proof work against you. It’s so easy to avoid yet no one does this.
I give you the one simple line of code that is maybe the biggest Facebook social proof hack you will ever use. Facebook will give you this for free and it will put you up there with some of the most liked pages on the planet. I can promise your competitors aren’t doing this.
Again, I don’t just share information and leave you to figure out how to make it work. I walk you step by step through the process. It’s like you are sitting next to me while I do all of this for you.
It is the secret sauce that allowed us to do 1.5 million dollars in sales with just a handful of customers we met through Facebook, and 99.9% of online marketers are NOT doing this.
This is insanely easy, crazily, obviously important once you understand it, yet I can promise you that your competition is absolutely clueless about this – giving you a massive advantage
Next you will learn the one simple step that tripled our organic growth. This is so easy yet no one is doing it. It takes seconds and can make a massive difference in your success.
Then we supercharge that and practically guarantee that your posts will go massively viral. Which is how you turn likes into money in your bank account.
Then we turn all these likes, all this viral content and fans, into actual sales.
I show you step by step how to turn webinar attendees into paying customers in a way you have never seen. This may be the easiest money you have ever made.
You will discover the lame thing that customers hate and almost all marketers do. This is easily avoidable and takes no real extra effort on your part. It’s just a stupid mistake most everyone makes both online and offline.
Finally I show you how I helped one of my clients do $5000.00 in 30 MINUTES.
This is what I call Facebook Gorilla Marketing. Because rather than throwing thousands of dollars at something that just won’t work, you will learn how to make every dollar you spend bring back a truckload of cash.
You can do it the hard way, like I had to. Or you can let my years of experience, testing and all the money I spent let you do this the easy way.
This works. It has been solidly proven in a multitude of different niches.
It doesn’t matter what you are selling. When you apply these simple steps to your social media advertising, sales can explode. Making you more money, more easily, than anything else you have ever done.
Take an entire year to try these methods. If for any reason you don’t think this is the easiest and least-expensive way to make new raving fans and turn them into happy paying customers…
Then you will pay nothing. Zip, zilch nada. You won’t have to return anything. You can keep all the knowledge, all my secrets that have already made countless people just like you more money than anything they had ever tried, and not pay a dime for them.
Just hit that big orange button below that says Click Here To Attract Customers Now and get started in the next 2 minutes.
By reading this far you have proven to yourself that you do want to attract more customers. And you do want an easier and more effective way to do that.
So it’s time to quit beating your head against the wall trying to figure out how to make Facebook work and let this simple and proven strategy do all the heavy lifting for you.
So you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of all your labor of building your business.
There are millions of people who are waiting to hear how you can help them. And they will willingly hand you their money for the solution you have for them.
You just need to know how to reach them, and market to them, in a way that makes you their most trusted friend, advisor and resource.
That’s the power of social media done correctly. Hardly anyone is doing Facebook advertising right. Your competition is likely clueless about it.
So give yourself a massive advantage and hit the big orange button below. Everything you need to know, and my personal help, is waiting for you inside. See you there.
If this is your first ride on the social media
merry-go-round I’ve got your back.
If you act right now I will flat out give you another entire course that will take you from never even tried to market on Facebook to expert Facebook marketer in a flash.
Even if you have never been on Facebook a day in your life, you will quickly be able to use this to grow your business faster, and with less cost, than anything you have ever done.
And if you have a personal Facebook profile, but don’t know how to monetize it for your business, I explain it all and show you everything step by step.
You will learn the difference between your personal profile and a business page. Then you will learn how to set up your business page, and I will let you watch over my shoulder as we set one up for someone who had never done one before. And in under 5 minutes!
You will be shocked by just how easy it is to get 5-star ratings on your posts, and I show you exactly how to do it in 4 minutes and 33 seconds.
You will learn how to connect your business account to your personal profile and why it is crucial that you do.
You will learn how to pre-schedule posts, including ones with multiple photos and videos, so your Facebook page can be working to get you traffic even when you are nowhere near a computer.
You will learn all the basics of how to market your business, with zero ad spend, and you will learn it all in less time than it takes to watch a half-hour sitcom on TV.
Then, I give you my blueprint for Facebook marketing success…
I know how it is when you buy something and feel left all alone to figure it out.
That’s why I created this private VIP Facebook Group where we can all interact with each other on a daily basis.
You’ll get regular input from me and everyone in the group.
I’ll be there to answer all your questions and we will work together to build your business through powerful Facebook advertising.
You’ll see how others are currently using what you will be learning to grow businesses in just about every niche imaginable.
People have asked for access to our private little group through a monthly subscription or a one-time fee.
And I’m sure many people would happily pay $67 or even $97 per month for this alone.
But you’ll get unlimited access forever – absolutely free – when you purchase Attract Customers Now.
And the help doesn’t end there…
You’ll also get unlimited 24/7 support, so no matter what time of the day or night, you can ask any question you have and get a prompt and accurate answer.
Either I or a member of my team is always here to help you no matter how big or small your question.
We eat, sleep, and drink this stuff, so you will never be left hanging when you need some help.
We believe the only dumb question is the one that doesn’t get asked, and we also know that when you have a question, you want answers now. That’s exactly what you will get, any time, day or night.
This bonus alone could be worth a fortune to you as you discover how to make your Facebook advertising far more cost-effective while getting 10x to even 100x more clicks from every ad.
There are 2 billion people on Facebook, so it’s easy to find a horde of hungry prospects that want what you sell when you know how to do it quickly and cost effectively.
I’ll show you how I grew my FB page to over 250,000 likes at a cost of about 3 cents per like.
You’ll discover how to easily drive traffic to your web pages and lead pages.
You’ll learn how to grow your list by leaps and bounds at a cost per conversion that is a fraction of the norm. Imagine trying to get names and emails of interested buyers for just $1.45 each. I’ll show you exactly how I did just that and how you could, too.
The secret of viral social-proof Facebook ads. I’ll show you how to make beautiful, professional, and high-converting social-proof ads that go viral almost instantly.
See how I took a page to over 1.3 million likes, and how easily that page makes me over $8,000.00 a month in recurring revenue. This is something you could easily do in any niche.
See another page we quickly grew to over a half a million fans and turned that into 1.5 million dollars in sales in what most would call a very small niche.
You will learn the big secret to turning Facebook into the monster word-of-mouth advertising machine it can be for you. Hint: it is nowhere near the way you use Google. Which is why most everyone is using Facebook wrong and it’s costing them a fortune in unnecessary ad spend and poor results.
You will discover the one big thing that will make your posts go viral fast, and it’s so easy to do you will wonder why no one ever shared this will you until now.
The number-one hack to make certain you not only get likes, but that your ads are shared and quickly go viral as you create hordes of raving fans
The simple two steps that can get your ads shared with real, new prospective customers without you doing anything or spending even one penny on advertising.
Why ads are just a small piece of the Facebook marketing puzzle and how to know if it will be a blockbuster or a complete flop before you ever spend a dime.
How to get thousands of people to opt in and give you their email address without ever even going to your opt-in page.
A quick, easy way to see what your ad will look like on every device and app before you publish it, including Instagram.
Learn all the different kinds of Facebook ads available to you. There are 11 different kinds of ads available, and knowing which ones will get you the results you are after is crucial. There are just 3 that you should be your major focus, and I explain why and how to use each.
Why the ad that will get you the most likes and shares is NOT the best ad for getting people to your website or to build your email list.
How to use Facebook’s Audience Insights tool to market only to your perfect customer so you don’t waste a penny advertising to people who are not likely to buy from you.
An easy way to let Facebook do all the heavy lifting and find the people you should be marketing to with a simple click of a button.
A simple method to test multiple audiences at once, and know within 24 hours or less where the buyers are and how to reach them. So, you don’t ever waste another penny on those who don’t want what you have. Spoiler alert, 9 out of 10 will be worthless. This will make sure you are only targeting the right audience.
I let you watch over my shoulder as I use Facebook’s Audience Insights tool. You get to see every step involved in creating a campaign that zeroes in on your absolute best prospects WITHOUT wasting any money advertising to anyone else. This alone can save you a fortune in unnecessary and non-converting ad spending.
Why you should create your targeted audiences BEFORE you create an ad and how doing so will give you a huge edge over your competition.
I know there are many people who want you to believe that Facebook marketing is hard or expensive, and that you need to hire an expert to do it for you. They just want you to think that so you will spend money with them. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Facebook advertising is fast, easy and affordable when you know these simple hacks.
Not only do I show you how find your best customers on Facebook, I am also going to show you how to get them to take the exact actions you want and enjoy it.
In the next part I show you how to make Facebook ads that quickly go viral and could increase the number of clicks you get from 10 to 100 times what you, or most anyone, are currently getting. And once again, it’s so easy you will be angry Facebook didn’t – and won’t – tell you this.
I explain why two very similar photos got very different results…
One of these got 16 likes the other 4,873. Can you guess which won and why? The reason will surprise you and no one else I know of is sharing this simple thing that you can do to get your images liked, shared and clicked.
This alone could 10x your results. I share how to know immediately what images you should be posting and where to get them for free. There are far more available at zero cost than you could possibly ever use and I tell you exactly where to get them.
I also give you my own personal Facebook ad templates. These are ads I have tested. So, you can take the photos that fit your niche and turn them instantly into high-converting ads.
I am going to share with you my number one secret for knowing which photos go the most viral.
This one secret alone could be everything you need to grow a massive following and off-the-charts conversions from Facebook.
I have used this exact method to grow my own page to over 250,000 likes, and you will be amazed at how simple this is to do.
The secret is testing images through the photo album stack. And I show you exactly how to do it in less time than you spend eating a sandwich. It’s super easy, yet no one is doing it. Once you do, your results will explode.
Then, it gets even better. I’ll show you how to supercharge your post with something called the photo boost. This will make your post go viral so fast you will think you are Shakira.
This one simple thing is what made one of my pages soar to 250,000 likes and another to 1.3 million likes in nothing flat. Yet it is super simple to do and costs you nothing.
Once again, I don’t just tell you how to do this. I let you watch over my shoulder as we do it step by step. So if you have never done any of this before, I will make it as easy as breathing.
People on Facebook may see up to 1000 ads in an hour. I show you how to make yours stand out like no other.
This is the opposite of what 99% of the people who advertise on Facebook do, and it will make your ad a shining beacon that attracts potential customers like a moth to a flame.
It’s super easy to do once you know the secret. Yet I promise that your competition has no clue about this.
I don’t just share this with you. I show you a real-world example of how I screwed this up in a big way and what I did to turn it all around. You must know this if you are ever going to run even one successful Facebook ad campaign. If someone would have told me this, it would have made me, and saved me, a fortune.
That’s why I reveal the most important thing to know about testing, before you spend any real money on ads. This information could save you a ton of frustration, time and money.
This can 10x your results from anything you have ever done. On just one of my pages I can count on between $50k and $80k per month in recurring revenue, all because of this one secret. And I share it with you in its entirety, nothing held back. I walk you through exactly how I did it and how you can, too.
I learned a lot about what I thought I knew, but didn’t, about who my best customers were from this one discovery. And it sent my sales and profits through the roof. Yet it was the one thing about my marketing I least expected to learn.
It also allows you to slash your cost per like and still make just as many sales, so you keep more of the profits.
Plus, I cover the biggest mistake people make when trying to grow their email list with Facebook, and how to easily avoid it.
Then it’s time to use Facebook for what it truly is. The most powerful word-of-mouth advertising platform on Earth.
In this module, I show you how to get massive testimonials and get new customers for a fraction of the cost most marketers spend acquiring them.
Almost everyone gets this wrong and it’s a shame because it is so simple.
It’s a matter of 5 simple yet almost magical words that almost always lead to glowing testimonials, and those customers sharing your product or business with their friends.
I share with you the two-question testimonial formula that makes them practically write themselves and all but guarantees they will be amazing testimonials every time.
Then I wrap it all up and show you how to use all of this to easily get massive traffic to your lead and squeeze pages, which can quickly grow your email list with raving fans who are most likely to become your happy customers.
With this bonus alone you will know more about how to use Facebook cost effectively than 99% of the marketers on earth.
7040 Avenida Encinas, Suite 104-284, Carlsbad, California 92011 (858)751-4230
© 2017 Attract Customers Now